Exchanging book recommendations and music playlists is a great way to nourish friendships, and make new ones.
Train yourself to wash the dishes right after eating. It gets much more difficult to clean every minute you procrastinate.
There is nothing lonelier than a wrong relationship. There is nothing more harmful than a toxic one.
"The hardest part of being in a relationship is sharing your freedom.” - from my friend Gaafar
Train yourself to recognize and to unlearn your bad habits: worrying doesn’t solve anything, comparing yourself to other people won’t bring you closer to your goals, proving your worth to others is a tiring way to live.
Forgive your parents for their shortcomings. They too, are imperfect human beings striving to love you in the best way they know how. Spend as much time as you can with them, and be present to their small gestures of tenderness. You’ll miss it terribly when they’re gone.
Laugh until you snort. It feels amazing.
Everyone has their own way of grieving. Be patient with your own process and be respectful of others’
You won’t regret investing in good shoes, a good bed, and a clear conscience.
Pray. Know that the world is fleeting & fickle, and life humbles everyone. But there is no storm you cannot weather when you’re anchored in God’s love.